Tuesday, December 13, 2016

How boundaries can make you stronger.

There is a book that has no letter E in it. The most used letter in the English language not used at all. Gadsby. Not to be confused with The Great Gatsby.

There is a language that leaves out all forms of the verb "to be" , eliminating all certainty or so it seems to be. E-prime. Using E-prime for a while to made me better in making my communication more scientific and correct because it challenged me to look if something is just my perspective or not.

You see, in all martial art training there are  boundaries and restrictions placed upon the trainee, some physical other mentally. 

Restrictions and limitations challenge our creativity and ingenuity. It challenges us to think differently and to challenge those boundaries. 

When the boundaries disappear you seem to have much more options and freedom than you thought you had. 

As a student with learning difficulties, I had to learn to find new ways of learning and understanding. This helped me to think more diverse later on and be more understanding of people who also have challenges. There are i.o.w wanted difficulties that will make you even greater than that you already are now.

Maybe your challenges will make you even better in ways you can't foresee and I would love to see how being open to those learnings in life will open up more possibilities for you. 

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